Gwynfor ab Ifor X Rhiannon Gwyn

Er cof am Dad, y person nath ddysgu fi i stopio pob hyn a hyn i werthfawrogi’r olygfa.

In memory of Dad, the person who taught me the importance of stoping once in a while to appreciate the view.


Casgliad o blatiau addurniadol i’r wal wedi eu creu gan Rhiannon Gwyn ac wedi eu ysbrydoli gan ac yn cynnwys barddoniaeth Y Prifardd Gwynfor ab Ifor (Tad Rhiannon)

Mae’r platiau wedi eu haddurno gyda gwydredd wedi ei greu o flodau’r eithin a lystar aur.

A collection of decretive plates for the wall made by Rhiannon Gwyn inspired by and including poetry by the Welsh poet Gwynfor ab Ifor (Rhiannon’s father)

The plates are decorated with a glaze made from the gorse flower and finished with gold lustre.

In 2006 at the National Eisteddfod of Wales my father, Gwynfor ab Ifor was chaired as ‘Y Prifardd’ - litreally ‘The Chief Bard’ which is the Welsh title given to bards who have won the chair in the National Eisteddfod of Wales. Bards compete by writing an ‘Awdl’ which is the name for a long poem written using ‘cynghanedd’ - an anncient form of strict Welsh metre and internal rhyming. For this collection of work I’ve used quotes from the winning ode titled ‘Tonnau’ as well as quotes from his other poems.

In 2019 a book of my father’s poetry work was launched titled ‘Gwaddol’, the book can be purchased here.

My father was a great poet. His love for his hometown and the surrounding landscape is reflected in his work so beautifully, I’m constantly inspired by the words he’s left behind.


Cerfluniau 2022 Sculptures


The Gold Beneath The Gorse / Yr Aur O Dan yr Eithin